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  • hey man. still trying to get whitelisted. I resubmitted my application and added a birth date. To me, that was the info missing.
    Please help me out Coby.
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    Reactions: skyggeuve
    Yall need to be patient. There is 9.5 thousand people. They get through thema as they get through them. But i promise once they get you in it will be worth the wait.
    @waldosgamingfb I believe i been more than that. And am still not complaining. But a bit of coms would make the wait so much easier to deal with... Why have admins? No one is replying.

    And it gets a bit annoying when you see people get whitelisted before you, knowing that you submitted an application before that person.

    But hey. No complains. still waiting " Patiently"...
    Ya man just give it time. It’s a good server and like I said when you get in it will be worth it
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